A downloadable game

Thrilling fast action gameplay, influenced by Smash TV/Robotron and Geometry Wars.
Input method was inspired by Shock Troopers.
Tap A to release a burst of fire in your facing direction, or hold A down to lock direction of fire.
Hold B to stop your ship and fire in the direction of the D-pad.
Hold C to continually fire in direction of ship.

Get into the zone. Try to get the best score and put your name on the highscore list in Score Attack mode or complete the Campaign mode and defeat all the waves & bosses along the way.

Plays on the original Mega Drive / Genesis.

Two game modes:

  • Score Attack: Battle increasingly difficult waves for the highest score on the high score table
  • Campaign: Battle waves of enemies to get to and destroy the bosses (WIP!)

Code, music, sfx, graphics by Dan Jeffery @YourFurryFiend


NemesisWars.bin - 0.21 512 kB

Install instructions

Play on your favourite Mega Drive / Genesis emulator or play via Everdrive on your console

Development log


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Nice shoot 'en up even it is still in development. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New Mega Drive/Genesis Games from October 2023 to 2024" video along with all the other newly released Mega Drive/Genesis games.

Greetings YourFurryFiend,

we hope you are doing great. I am Areeba (aka Titania) from the BrewOtaku-Team, we are launching BrewOtaku #003 - The Homebrew Gaming Magazine soon.

We loved your work, and we have mentioned "Nemesis War" in it. Kindly share your contact details so we can share it with you. You are anyhow free to share this on your social media channels or homepage

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards


(1 edit)

Hey Titania. That's great, thank you on both counts!

You can contact me through e-mail.

Kind regards,


We have contacted you via mail 😇You might want to remove your contact information to prevent spam:)

Very good :3